⚖️ Let us help you navigate the legal process.

Legal Resources

The Sandy Williams Justice Center is a program of The Carl Maxey Center and provides limited civil legal aid services to assist unrepresented individuals in representing themselves in court proceedings.  We do not provide representation, nor do our services constitute an attorney-client relationship. Legal Clinic Consultations and Self-Help Center Appointments do not substitute for an attorney-clinic relationship.

Our volunteer attorneys are available during Legal Clinics or Appointments only. For questions you may have about the services we offer as we develop the Sandy Williams Justice Center, please email us at selfhelplegal@carlmaxeycenter.org

Our Services & Programs

  • Racial Justice Legal Clinics

    Civil Rights and Discrimination in Housing, Employment, Services, governmental agencies, court services, law enforcement, language access Civil Law including Family Law, Domestic Violence, Consumer, Credit, Evictions, Post Conviction Relief and all other areas excluding criminal law.

  • Free Drop-In Legal Clinics

    Free 30-minute consultation with an attorney or legal professional to ask questions. Our attorneys are volunteers and are available during our clinic times. We do not represent people in court.

  • Self Help Center

    Drop-ins are welcome, but those with appointments will have priority. To schedule an appointment, check out the calendar below.

  • Justice and Judicial System Accountability

    We help with language access at the courthouse, court policy, procedures, rules, training and education. Please check back later for updated information on this program.

"The impact of poverty on access to legal justice and racial justice cannot be overstated. The Center's goal is to be a bridge to services for those who would otherwise not be able to afford them."

Sandy Williams
September 1, 2022

More Information

  • 2nd Wednesday of each month for Black, Indigenous, People of Color

    Doors open at 4:45 for Thursday clinics, last check in at 6:00 p.m.

    First Come, First Served

    Drop Ins are Welcome

    • Civil Rights and Discrimination in Housing, Employment, Services, governmental agencies, court services, law enforcement, language access

    • Civil Law including Family Law, Domestic Violence, Consumer, Credit, Evictions, Post Conviction Relief

    • And all other areas, excluding criminal law.

    If you are not sure if you have a legal matter and want to ask an attorney what options you may have and if your issue is a legal matter, please contact us at: selfhelplegal@carlmaxeycenter.org

    For faster Clinic check in, please pre-register by noon on First Friday of each month by emailing us at selfhelplegal@carlmaxeycenter.org

    Please do not include confidential information in your pre-registration packet request.

  • Free 30 minute consultation with an attorney or legal professional to ask questions.

    Guests are “first come first served.”

    To see clinic dates, please check the calendar below. Our Facebook page is updated with changes regularly. Follow our social media channels by clicking the links at the top of the page. Please pre-register by emailing us at: selfhelplegal@carlmaxeycenter.org

    Please preview information about your case type at WashingtonLawHelp.org prior to attending a Clinic.

    We do not provide specific legal advice about your legal matter, but can help with general legal advice and information. Our attorneys are volunteers and are available during our clinic times. We do not represent people in court.

    Please do not include confidential information in your pre-registration Intake packet request.

  • Self Help Center Hours:

    Tuesday 1:00 - 3:00 PM

    Thursdays 1:00 - 3:00 PM

    Contact us at: selfhelplegal@carlmaxeycenter.org

    Please do not include confidential information

  • Language Access at the Courthouse:

    To make an appointment, Please contact us at: selfhelplegal@carlmaxeycenter.org


    Court Policy, Procedures, and Rules, Training and Education

    Watch for upcoming information!

1066 Neighbors Helped

Data collected between April 1st, 2023 and February 1st, 2025



Legal Issues




Walk-in legal clinics in honor of Sandy Williams coming to Spokane to help underserved communities

Fulfilling a dream: Free legal clinics offered in honor of late Spokane activist Sandy Williams

Sandy Williams Justice Center celebrates one-year anniversary

Upcoming legal clinics

Need FREE legal guidance but are unsure where to start? Our attorneys and legal professionals can provide advice and information tailored to help you navigate your case and represent yourself effectively. Take the first step toward understanding your options today!

Please note: our attorneys & legal professionals are volunteers and do not represent you in court.

Book an Appointment

If you can’t make it to a legal clinic but would like legal advice, click the button below to book an appointment with a legal volunteer.

Calendar of Events

Click on the event you’re interested in attending for more information. If you’re interested in pre-registering for a legal clinic, make sure to email us at selfhelplegal@carlmaxeycenter.org so we can prep you for your consultation.

How can we help you?

Please do not call us or send us follow up emails after your initial email or web form submission is made. We’ll call you as soon as we get to your email.

Contact us

Come see us

The Carl Maxey Center

3114 E 5th Ave,
Spokane, WA 99202