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The Sandy Williams Justice Center 

Our History


Back in the day, on Wednesday afternoons, Carl Maxey opened the doors to his law office to the Black Community for free legal advice to all who dropped in.  Following Carl's death, drop in Wednesdays continued at The Law Office of D.C. Cronin. 


In May 2017, following the acquittal by an all White jury of a White man who shot a local Black man in the back from 30 feet away by determining the defendant had acted in self-defense, Sandy Williams was determined to strategize how to most effectively impact the justice system in Spokane which disproportionately negatively impacts Black Families and other Families of Color.


Sandy attended the  trial day after day and afterwards, spoke with her friend, Mary Stamp, Editor of The Fig Tree, 


"'It happens all the time...There was resignation in her voice, implying there was nothing to do about that. 'I decided that would not be my legacy for my child,' Sandy said.  'Because of my mother, father and daughter, I continue to fight this war.'

The strategies of those promoting racism include building fear of a perceived or real threat of violence; making people believe there is a scarcity of resources, when there is a wealth; assassinating the character of others, and dividing to conquer.

'It’s not an accident to use those tactics against people of color and disenfranchised people,' Sandy said.


She cited a 1712 letter by white slave owner Willie Lynch on how to control slaves by making them docile, He said to use distrust and envy to divide them based on exaggerating their differences: pitting old vs. young, dark skin vs light skin, females vs. males, tall vs. short, fine-haired vs. coarse-haired, house servants vs. field slaves. 


“How do we work with war weary people who sit around tables talking about how to end racism, going back and forth, having the same conversation for years? she asked." The Fig Tree, 2019


Following the trial, Sandy discussed how to turn anger and talk into action with her friends Rev. Walter Kendricks and D.C. Cronin. Upon learning of Carl's "Walk In Wednesdays", Sandy set her sights on developing strategic  ways to challenge systemic racism by offering free legal services. Over the course of the next five years Sandy listened to community members' challenges, suggestions, and stories, and planned.  In the late spring of 2022, Sandy formed an Advisory Committee to assist in developing the foundation for the Legal Foundation of Washington Accelerator Grant she would submit on September 1, 2022.


Just weeks following Sandy's death on September 4, 2022, LFW provided a research and development grant to establish the Carl Maxey Center's Racial Justice Clinic, renamed by the Carl Maxey Center just prior to the Inaugural Community Free Drop In Clinic on April 16, 2023 as The Sandy Williams Justice Center.


In honor of the lives and legacies of Carl Maxey and Sandy Williams, we continue to develop and implement strategic and practical steps to challenge the structural and systemic inequities impacting low income community members, and disproportionally impacting  Black and other People of Color community members in Spokane's civil justice system.


On Wednesday September 13, 2023, Sandy's birthday, the circle remains unbroken as the Sandy Williams Justice Center launches Sandy's Inaugural Walk In Wednesday Racial Justice Clinic, reportedly the first civil legal aid drop in clinic with a scope of it's kind, open to members of the BIPOC community seeking legal advice and information on all civil legal aid matters, including but not limited to:


Racial Justice and Civil Rights    Discrimination    Domestic Violence   Education  Excessive Use of Force 

Elder, Estate, and Adult Guardianships   Family Law   Housing/Evictions   Juvenile  Landlord/Tenant    LGBTQ2S+

Post-Conviction Relief/Reentry     Protection Orders     Unemployment Law


"In the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, there was an outcry to address systemic racism and its insidious

impact once and for all. But, in order to truly begin addressing racism in all of its forms, it is imperative that

our criminal legal system begins to proactively, directly and courageously address the acts of racial discrimination

and racial injustice that are regularly being perpetrated against members of our community. As long as there exists

no vehicle for accountability and as long as an individual, organization or business can racially discriminate freely

without fear of consequence, we can continue to expect very little tangible progress."

- Sandy Williams, September 1, 2022


Because of the commitment of our dedicated volunteers who have provided countless hours of free legal assistance, many of

whom worked side by side with Sandy, and some who worked along side both Sandy and Carl,  as of September 4, 2023 the Sandy Williams Justice Center has served 319 individuals representing an average monthly racial demographic of  48% BIPOC community members.


Just one year and three days after submitting a grant for what Sandy believed was "just the beginning", and just five months since the Inaugural Sandy Williams Legal Clinics, we still say, "This is just the beginning".


Our Programs


Racial Justice Legal Clinics

2nd Wednesday of each month

for Black, Indigenous, People of Color

Civil Rights and Discrimination in Housing, Employment, Services, governmental agencies, court services, law enforcement, language access

Civil Law including Family Law, Domestic Violence, Consumer, Credit, Evictions, Post Conviction Relief 

and all other areas excluding criminal law.

If you are not sure if you have a legal matter and want to ask an attorney what options you may have and if your issue is a legal matter, please contact us at


First Come, First Served

Drop Ins are Welcome.

For faster Clinic check in, please pre-register by noon on First Friday of each month by emailing us at

Doors open at 4:45 for Thursday clinics, last check in at 6:00 p.m.


Please do not include confidential information in your pre-registration packet request.



Court Policy, Procedures, and Rules, Training and Education


Watch for upcoming information!

Group Students Smilling

Free Community Drop In Legal Clinics

1st, 3rd, and 4th Thursdays in October

First Come, First Served

Please pre-register by emailing us at

Doors open at 4:45 for Thursday clinics, last check in at 6:00 p.m.


We do not provide specific legal advice about your legal matter, but can help with general legal advice and information.  Our attorneys are volunteers and are available during our clinic times. 

We do not represent people in court.

Please preview information about your case type at prior to attending a Clinic.


Free 30 minute consultation with an attorney or legal professional to ask questions.

Please do not include confidential information in your pre-registration Intake packet request.

Stack of Files

Legal Self Help Center

contact us at

Please do not include confidential information

October Self Help Center Hours

Tuesday 1:00 - 4:00

Thursdays 1:00 - 4:00

Fridays 10:00-4:00 

excluding October 6 and 20, 2023


Justice and Judicial System Accountability

Language Access at the Courthouse:

Please contact us at

Watch for upcoming information!


Court Policy, Procedures, and Rules, Training and Education


Watch for upcoming information!


Upcoming Free Drop In Legal Clinics

October Legal Clinics.png

"In honor of late Spokane activist Sandy Williams, free walk-in clinics are being launched in Spokane this weekend for people who need legal help but can’t access it.


...People needing help will be able to speak with attorneys or other legal advocates, including those who specialize in racial justice, civil rights, domestic violence, education, family law, elder law, housing assistance, unemployment law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders and post-conviction relief."

"The justice system is confusing and expensive, but local organizations and attorneys are trying to help in honor of the late Spokane activist Sandy Williams."

Read Garrett Cabeza's Spokesman-Review Story here

May 11, 2023

Contact The Sandy Williams Justice Center

The Sandy Williams Justice Center provides limited civil legal aid services to assist unrepresented individuals representing themselves in court proceedings.  We do not provide representation, nor do our services constitute an attorney-client relationship. Legal Clinic Consultations do not substitute for an attorney-clinic relationship.


Our volunteer attorneys are available during Legal Clinics only. For questions you may have about the services we offer as we develop the Sandy Williams Justice Center, please email us at


Please DO NOT email confidential information. 

The Sandy Williams Justice Center

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